New Construction Inspection?

There is an old joke in the home inspection industry and it goes like this… “What do you call an inspector in a suit and tie? The defendant!”

A real state agent posted on his Insta Stories he was his way to do the inspection of a brand new construction his client /investor. I had to stop what I was doing to pay attention to this fine gentleman in a suit and tie doing the “inspection”. After sometime he showed the walls marked with little colored stickers where the contractor had to repaint the walls. He also showed an AC duct that the contractor left without the proper diffuser.

I quietly wondered… What else did the contractor forget?

Brand new constructions are subject to all kind of contractor’s mishaps! Not rare to see new constructions with major defects in electrical, roof and plumbing systems.

The real state market is red-hot! Developers can’t keep it up with demand, contractors are (always) under the gun to deliver volume with speed and on top of that is very hard to find qualified labor in this low unemployment market. Mistakes will happen folks!

You may say “but they offer warranty”. Yes, but by the time you get a roof system with an anchoring problem, it could be too late…

A proper home inspection done by a licensed professional will assure you that the developer will deliver the pristine house they promised. Inside and out!