
Pools are fun!

Your backyard pool is the perfect, most convenient escape from a hot summer day! Well, in Florida that's pretty much everyday…

Leaks are not!

As part of your Flagship Inspection, we will perform a complementary visual inspection of your Swimming Pool with the goal to identify safety issues and other visually identifiable defects.

But Swimming Pools are an incredibly complex system of pumps, pipes, fittings, concrete, etc. mostly buried underground… Pool leaks are virtually impossible to detect visually and repairs easily run in the thousands of dollars range.


Is the pool leaking?

We can quickly determine if your pool is leaking using a specialized equipment that will detect water level changes to the 10,000th of an inch (that's the thickness of a blood cell!). In fact, this is equipment is so sensitive that we only take it on the field by appointment.

Add Pool Leak Detection to your inspection!

The Electronic Pool Leak Detection service is only $200 with your Flagship Inspection.

We do not offer this service as stand alone and it must be booked with at least 24h in advance.

Book your inspection now!

Use code “IBOOKEDONLINE” (all caps) to get $25 OFF your Flagship Inspection (last screen)

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